Cositas Bellas y algo mas

Flat Braided Bracelets-UNISEX FROM $11.99

Flat Braided Bracelets-UNISEX FROM $11.99

Product Code: COS-999
Product Condition: New

$11.99 inc. tax

Flat Braided Bracelets-UNISEX FROM $11.99 Summary

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 Customer Reviews

2 review(s) posted (write review)
pulsera tejida 5 product stars
"es una vonita pulsera se las recomiendo ahora kiero en todos los colores." Angelica Soto Marin - Sunday, January 27, 2019
Super cute 5 product stars
"Great bracelets , i just got mines few days ago (dec 18,2017) better than pictures high good quality I recommend this seller. It has a lot of variety of bracelets AND MORE THAN ONE WILL LIKE YOU I bought 3 woven bracelets and they were to give as gift but I ended up staying with all 3, I'm going to buy more bracelets for sure. Really love this store." Crawford Family - Wednesday, December 20, 2017
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