Cositas Bellas y algo mas

Lucky Rope Bracelet

Lucky Rope Bracelet

Product Code: Cos-040
RRP: $9.99
Now: $7.99
You Save: $2.00
Product Condition: New

$7.99 inc. tax

Lucky Rope Bracelet Summary

Tibetan Handmade Knots Lucky Rope Bracelet
This beautiful Tibetan hand-knotted lucky rope bracelet invokes universal acceptance, unity, and wholeness. Wear it on the left wrist as this is the receiving side for the body and soul. 

Handmade by the Cositas Bellas. 
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 Customer Reviews

2 review(s) posted (write review)
Rope bracelet 5 product stars
"A great quality, lovely packaging and fast shipping delivery Highly recommend this seller. I spoke directly with the jewelry designer and told her what i needed... the colors that i was looking for and she made it for me, where we can have this kind of service??? And she made it in 2 days, I ordered on sunday night and all my bracelets came on saturday." Maria B - Sunday, March 17, 2019
Better than pics 5 product stars
"Love it all of them AAA" Mary Luz V. - Thursday, September 19, 2019
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